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Type Ratings

When you purchase a new aircraft from Piper, they provide a type rating course with their partners, Legacy Flight Training LLC in Vero Beach.
However this rating is not valid on EASA registered aircraft and therefore we are happy to have a partnership with an ATO in Odense that can offer our customers both Piper and Pilatus type ratings.

Choose Type Rating below.

Piper M500/M600 Type Rating

Piper M500/M600 Type Rating

The price for one pilot’s course on a Piper M500 or M600 is €6,000.

The duration of the course is normally 3 full days from 8am to 4pm for pilots with PT6 engine experience, depending on weather conditions.

This includes:

  • 16 hours technical course on condition that the pilot has PT6 engine experience
  • Manuals (rererence manual + training manual)
  • 6 Flight passes with flight instructor, incl. briefing/debriefing (min. 10 hrs). If more passes are needed the instructor charges €120 per hour.
  • ATO fee + administration

The above price does NOT include:

  • Fee to the CAA for the test
  • Rental of aircraft if you do not own one yourself
  • All fuel required for the course
  • All landing fees for the course

Contact Air Rent ATO 

Pilatus PC-12 Type Rating

Pilatus PC-12 Type Rating

Price for one pilot’s type rating on a Pilatus PC12-45/47/NG is €7,000.

The duration of this course is normally 6 days, depending on weather conditions.

This includes

  • 20 hours technical course
  • Manuals (reference manual + training manual)
  • Flight instructor
  • 8 Flight passes ( approx. 10-12 hrs). including briefing/debriefing. If more passes are needed, the instructor charges €120 per hour.
  • ATO fee + administration

The above price does NOT include:

  • Fee to the CAA for the test
  • Rental of aircraft if you do not own one yourself
  • All fuel required for the course
  • All landing fees for the course

Contact Air Rent ATO